Yachtcharter in Kaş · Costum — 2019 (2019)
Beschreibung von Huriyet Deniz's Motoryacht
Motoryacht Costum 2019 1100ps
Brauchen Sie einen tollen Urlaub zum Entspannen und abseits vom Stress? Möchten Sie eine Party auf dem Boot? Kontaktieren Sie uns bitte für ein passendes Angebot. Erleben Sie die saubersten Buchten des Mittelmeers und lassen Sie sich vom Grün der Natur und dem Blau des Meeres verzaubern. **1-Standardroute: Inseltouren zum Schwimmen Abfahrt 10:00 Uhr vom Hafen von Kas. Inseln: 1-Güvercin ada. 2-Takım adalar. 3-Ufak dere koyu 4-Çoban koyu (Bucht). 5-Limanazğı koyu (Bucht). In diesen letzten beiden Buchten ankern wir zum Schwimmen und genießen das blaue Wasser. Rückkehr zum Hafen um 18:00 Uhr. **2-Kekova-Tour: Wir verlassen den Hafen von Kaş um 10:00 Uhr morgens, fahren zur Bucht İnenönü, zur Bucht Akvaryum, zum Dorf Kale und zur Bucht Yağlıca, halten hier und kehren gegen 18:00 Uhr zum Hafen zurück.
Ausstattung des Motoryachts
Dienstleistungen des Motoryachts
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Vorgeschlagen von Huriyet Deniz
Merhaba, are you ready to visit the most beautiful coves and beaches of Kusadasi on this new boat . "Hira Mina Kusadasi-Ozdere Private Boat", Where we will anchor: 1-Guvercinada castle, which covers the whole of Güvercinada, is located on a natural rock. Its history dates back to the Genoese who came to Kusadasi in the late 13th or early 14th century, it was renovated during the Ottoman Empire. It is also known as the Pirate Castle, as the island also served as a police station against pirates during the Ottoman period. 2- Since the Ottoman period and until recently, it was a sin for women to swim on the same beach with men, the 'Women's Sea - Ladies Beach) was named after that period. 3- 'French cove', which the French like and name WE OFFERING YOU BOAT TRIP TO EXPERİENCE THE BLUE OF THE AEGEAN AND ITS HİSTORY EITH US. Our group meals on the boat are 30 € extra per person, non-alcoholic drinks are included. 1-2 Hour Tour or full day tour 9:30am in the morning, return at 16:30pm. You can bring your alcoholic beverages or let us get it for you. If food is desired, you can pay it on the boat. ** If you want to visit the ancient city of Ephesus and-or the house of the Virgin Mary in Selcuk, we offer you the most suitable car service.
Liegeplatz motoryacht: Kas, Kaş