La Paz
La Paz
La Paz
La Paz
Lomas de Palmira
Lomas de Palmira
Lomas de Palmira
Lomas de Palmira
Lomas de Palmira
Lomas de Palmira
The average price of renting a sailboat for the day in La Paz is €1,318. A few factors can determine the cost of the rental, such as the time of year, how old the boat is, and the boat equipment. Depending on these factors, the price of renting a sailboat can range from €469 and €4,826.
The cost of hiring a skipper can differ based on the destination and the owner of the boat. In La Paz, the typical rate of a skipper is €255 per day.
A sailboat in La Paz has on average 7 berths. You can find sailboats with up to 12 berths.
In La Paz, the rental price for a sailboat usually includes Bimini, 220V converter, Oven/stove etc.
The average number of cabins for sailboats in La Paz is 4. For larger groups, sailboats with up to 6 cabins can also be booked.
Number of sailboats: | 10 sailboats available |
Types of sailboats: | with or without a skipper |
Average price: | €1,318 per day |
Minimum price: | €469 per day |
Maximum price: | €4,826 per day |
Manufacturers: | Hanse, Beneteau, and more |
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