Alquiler de barcos en Kos · Beneteau — Oceanis 41 (2020)
Descripción del velero de Ioannis
Velero Beneteau Oceanis 41 12.03m
¡Hola a todos! Estamos en el negocio desde 2001 en Atenas, inspirados en una tradición marítima familiar que se remonta a Ikaria en el siglo XIX. Mis abuelos, Yiannis y Timotheos, eran grandes capitanes de barco que transportaban alimentos y otras mercancías entre las islas griegas en pequeños barcos de madera. Mi padre, el Capitán Andreas, como lobo de mar de segunda generación, navegó alrededor del mundo durante 4 décadas. De este hombre heredé mi amor por el mar y la navegación. Así, tras su jubilación y con la sangre hirviendo decidimos crear esta empresa charter para seguir los pasos de mis antepasados. ¡Esperamos su mensaje!
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I started sailing at the age of 10.From 1992-1996 I was Greek Champion in the category 420,470 and also a member of the National sailing team. Simultaneously i was studying at the University of Athens , specializing in sailing coaching. Since 1997 I have been involved in coaching in the optimist class. I have coached the national team several occasions with great success. Many times I have organized optimist training camps in Greece and to abroad. My teams and athletes have many times great results and shown resulting in their winning of the Greek championship. My objective throughout my career is to seek the mental and spiritual enhancement of the sailors placed under my care. I am constantly devoted to searching for the details that will improve my teams and my self as a coach.
Ubicación velero: Marina Kos, Kos