boat hire in Sablé-sur-Sarthe · Jeanneau — Eau Claire 1130 (1988)

Description of Raphaël's houseboat
Houseboat Jeanneau Eau Claire 1130 44hp
Hi there, This two-cabin boat offers double and single beds allowing up to 8 persons onboard. This houseboat - requiring no license - will be suitable for many families. One cabin double bed + single bed One cabin double bed One single bed in the corridor Convertible bed in the living room One shower cabin One electric toilet cabin One 200L freezer/fridge Sunroof Our boat is available for a departure from Sablé Sur Sarthe. One way possibilities toward Grez Neuville/Laval. Departure time are as follows : Week ends and more : departure starting from 4PM, return before 6PM. Full week and more (7 days 7 nights) : departure starting from 2PM, return before 9AM. Mid-week (from Monday to Friday) : departure starting from 2PM, return before 10AM. Price includes : - Chandlery - Tableware - Boat insurance - Riverboating training - Assistance Not included: - Your fuel (estimated = 30€ to 50€ per day depending on your rythm) → INSURANCE : Our prices include the insurance of your boat covering any damages made to a third party. A collision damage waiver of 1000€ is blocked at the beginning of your journey alongside a 150€ cleaning deposit. Both will be returned to you at your return if the boat is returned in a proper condition. ****** Not to forget ****** - Kitchen towel - Toilet paper - Bathroom towels and cosmetics - Bed sheets and linens (or sleeping bags) - Some food (shops and restaurants along the river though !) ******* Extras ******* - Bike : 40€ a week / 20€ a week-end / 26€ a mid-week - Parking : 40€ a week / 20€ a week-end / 26€ a mid-week - BBQ : 40€ a week / 20€ a week-end / 26€ a mid-week - Towel kit : 10€/person - Sheets/linens : 6€/bed - Deck matress : 10€/matress - Pet : 40€/animal - Cleaning on return : 80€ - 4G Key (5B included) : 50€ For more informations, do not hesitate to reach me with the Click&Boat tchat.
Equipment available on the houseboat
Services provided by Raphaël

Offered by Raphaël
Votre séjour est notre priorité et vous voir sourire et heureux au retour est notre satisfaction. Sans notre équipe commerciale et technique cela ne serait possible ! Guillaume est à votre service pour répondre à toutes questions concernant l’organisation de votre croisière, Jean-François, Christian, Kevin et Alexis veillent à vous préparer votre bateau afin que vous puissiez naviguer en toute quiétude, Claudine et Séverine vous assurent une propreté optimale lors de votre embarquement. Et nous même, Emilie et Raphaël sommes mobilisés pour vous permettre de vivre une croisière à la hauteur de vos attentes.
Location of the houseboat: Sablé-Sur-Sarthe, France