boat hire in Salvador · Dufour — Dufour (2012)

Description of Eduardo's sailboat
Sailboat Dufour Dufour 10.28m
The De Boa is a very comfortable ocean sailing boat. It has overnight accommodation for up to 7 people, 6 passengers and the Skipper. We have a kitchen with oven, stove and refrigerator, and a full bathroom with hot water. The cockpit accommodates up to 6 people and has a platform at the stern that makes interacting with the sea very pleasant. We have a support boat so we can reach the beaches we want. There are countless options for tours in the immense and wonderful Todos os Santos Bay, Tinharé/Cairo Island, with Morro de São Paulo and Garapuá and the beautiful Camamu Bay.
Equipment available on the sailboat
Services provided by EDUARDO

Offered by Eduardo
Gosto muito de velejar. Moro em Salvador, Bahia, Brasil. Navego a mais de 30 anos.
Location of the sailboat: Terminal Turístico Náutico Da Bahia, Salvador
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