Boat rental in Punta Umbría · Hallberg Rassy — 49 (1989)

Description of Víctor M.'s sailboat
Sailboat Hallberg Rassy 49 14.89m
The Belliure 50 is one of the most prestigious boats of the Spanish shipyard Vicente Belliure Construcciones Navales, it is one of the three manufactured with two engines, so you will have the opportunity to sail in an exclusive Valero, with a careful and expected finish. Our navigation area is the coast of Huelva, the coast of the Portuguese Algarve and the Guadiana River, and we can make other crossings to Morocco, Madeira or any other destination. We offer a one-day navigation along the Piedras River with lunch where we will delight in the local cuisine, a weekend navigation or, if you prefer, a week along the Portuguese coast that will surely surprise you. We also offer only accommodation on board, with breakfast included. Our captain has sailed more than 20,000 miles, with several crossings of the Atlantic, and with solo voyages from Turkey to Seville. Our starting point is next to the Piedras River, a haven of peace, where nature and typical nature are its hallmarks.
Equipment available on the sailboat
Services provided by Víctor M.

Offered by Víctor M.
Me apasiona viajar, por tierra mar y aire, esto me llevo a adentrarme en la náutica, para disfrutar de otra forma de descubrir, de viajar por el mar, recorrer los océanos en un velero me cautivo desde hace algo más de 30 años, desde entonces son muchas millas las navegadas, varios cruces del Atlántico, varias travesías por el mediterráneo, esto me llevo a navegar desde Turquía a Sevilla en solitario y con solo 4 escalas. La aventura me mueve, me apasiona y por ello todos los años me enfrasco en unas cuantas.
Location of the sailboat: Puerto Deportivo Nautico Punta Umbria., Punta Umbría